Beam Pro

An Enterprise Level Telepresence Robot Suitable for a Corporate Office or Manufacturing Presence

3 reviews Beam Pro


Just from the fact that Scott Hassan from Willow Garage is the CEO I would say Beam is heading in the right direction. Suitable Technologies is even providing Beams (for an extremely small fee compared to traditional costs) at conferences to attend. Instead of flying out and getting a hotel room and all that I heard that you can just use a Beam and move around the conference. SWEET!

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The Beam is top notch. When driving it around at conferences and busy rooms the noise cancelling microphones, allowed me to easily hold a conversation and not straining to hear them over the background noise. The wide angle cameras and sight-lines on the navigation screen kept me aware of what might come into my path, a real bonus when driving around crowded rooms, allowing me to to avoid feet, cables, and trash cans. There was a balloon that I got tangled up with, but otherwise the driving was smooth. It wasn’t jerky like I anticipated, so I often undershot when moving around. I did initially worry about getting hung up or falling over when I was crossing electrical strips, but there was enough ground clearance that I didn’t. PROS: Wide angle camera view, Noise cancelling mic. CONS: Cost can be prohibitive.

Overall I really enjoyed the BeamPro really wish that it was offered at more conferences and events. My travel schedule sometimes needs me to be in two places at once, and I prefer this over many others I’ve controlled.

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I’ve been using the Beam Pro for four months and it has been a workhorse.We have used it in various capacities without any problems. For presentations, robotics demos(for industry).
We are getting ready to teach a programming class and class for App development.
I have used other telepresence robots over the last five years, but this system was the most stable and durable without flaws.

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